Mineral Mapping specialises in the interpretation of multielement geochemistry and hyperspectral data analysis. Four acid digest ICP-AES/MS is becoming an industry standard, but many companies fail to make use of the information contained within this data. Measuring the full package of elements is one thing, but knowing what to do with the results is not always obvious.
Over the last 40 years the standard commercially available geochemical assay techniques have changed from AAS to INAA to ICP-AES to ICP-MS. The real cost per assay has barely changed, but we can now analyse half of the periodic table with detection limits much lower than average crustal abundance levels. Detection limits to below background levels are essential to be able to measure the full size of an anomaly. In addition to measuring ore metals and pathfinders, the immobile elements in the assay package allow a geochemical fingerprinting of the host rocks, and the major elements allow a quantification of the alteration mineralogy.
Mineral Mapping has years of experience working with over 150 different clients. Our aim is to extract the full range of information available from the integration of multielement geochemical data mineralogical data derived from SWIR logging. We use software packages including ioGAS, Leapfrog and Mapinfo to provide clients with an interpretation of their data in either a GIS format or a modelled 3D visualization. We regularly work with data sets at a variety of scales, from country-wide, to individual ore shoots.